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Crafting Items

Item Name Current Price Crafted Price Estimated Profit XP per Silver
Craftman's Leather Craftman's Leather (avg: $0) 2272 -894 0.53
Tanned Leather Tanned Leather (avg: $0) 3411 -2422 0.54
Merchant's Leather Merchant's Leather (avg: $0) 4544 -488 0.53
Artisan Leather Artisan Leather (avg: $0) 5683 1524 0.54
Coarse Thread Coarse Thread (avg: $0) 937 -274 0.65
Craftman's Thread Craftman's Thread (avg: $0) 1872 1556 0.64
Fine Thread Fine Thread (avg: $0) 2811 -1072 0.66
Merchant's Thread Merchant's Thread (avg: $0) 3744 5112 0.64
Artisan Thread Artisan Thread (avg: $0) 4683 13133 0.65
Cheap Rug Cheap Rug (avg: $0) 6884 -7075 0.7