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Crafting Items

Item Name Current Price Crafted Price Estimated Profit XP per Silver
Protector's Tower Shield Protector's Tower Shield (avg: $0) 1171090 -1174546 0.05
Mystical Crystal Mystical Crystal (avg: $0)
Necromancer s Staft Necromancer s Staft (avg: $0) 3909756 -3916668 0.03
Supernatural Thread Supernatural Thread (avg: $0)
Marksman Bow Marksman Bow (avg: $0) 7925281 -7932196 0.01
Crowbone Sceptre Crowbone Sceptre (avg: $0) 1929823 -1933279 0.03
Nocturnal Shield Nocturnal Shield (avg: $0) 695090 -698546 0.08
Fishing Stick Fishing Stick (avg: $0) 983 -698 1.06
Fishing Rod Fishing Rod (avg: $0) 2313 2562 0.9
Craftman'’s Fishing Rod Craftman'’s Fishing Rod (avg: $0) 8817 40808 0.71