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Crafting Items

Item Name Current Price Crafted Price Estimated Profit XP per Silver
Small Gun Deck Small Gun Deck (avg: $0) 36874 36350 0.8
Small Fishing Storage Small Fishing Storage (avg: $0) 36874 61349 0.8
Small Cargo Hold Small Cargo Hold (avg: $0) 36874 -16650 0.8
Small Hull Frame Small Hull Frame (avg: $0) 56498 58574 0.86
Medium Gun Deck Medium Gun Deck (avg: $0) 113940 155780 0.77
Medium Fishing Storage Medium Fishing Storage (avg: $0) 113940 -65220 0.77
Medium Hull Frame Medium Hull Frame (avg: $0) 272290 304990 0.78
Medium Cargo Hold Medium Cargo Hold (avg: $0) 113940 780 0.77
Large Cargo Hold Large Cargo Hold (avg: $0) 1382248 -400968 0.23
Large Gun Deck Large Gun Deck (avg: $0) 1382248 -1400968 0.23